Be sure to see more photography gallery pages listed below!
As of July 2012 I am now in the Denver Colorado area! I apologize for the delays in editing while I have been moving. Thank you for visiting!!
Thru My Eyes
I've been wanting to create this page for awhile now and finally found a little time and a lot of inspiration! I have wonderful customers who allow me to be creative; for that I thank you! I plan to add more as I continue shooting shows over the next few months and we will see where this takes us! So please be sure to check back often.
Wolves are very important to me, they are inspiring, powerful, spiritual and very misunderstood. These wolves are from the California Wolf Center where they work very hard in educating the public about wolves - thank you!!
Some images from the Riverside County Cutting Horse Association show with some special editing applied.
I think it's every little girl's dream to share their lives with a powerful stallion. I spent 3 days photographing Andalusion stallions and had my breath taken away! The size and strength of these gorgeous animals is amazing. And yet the gentleness in their eyes and movements are captivating.
I can create through special photo editing, images to draw attention to your website, your magazine ads, stationary, business cards and so much more. Please contact me at for more information and pricing.