Performance Horse Photography
Contact Laura at (951) 818-9024

"Thru Wild Eyes"


Yellowstone National Park


 The Inspiration for the Vision

I try and spend a week in May and another week in October in Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons.  Most people think that's a boring way to spend a vacation but when I leave after each trip and think about what I was blessed to see and what I experienced, I get back to California and can't wait to get back to the parks again.  In May I was able to photograph an amazing black, Grey Wolf.  The experience can't be explained anymore than it took my breath away.  It also took me back to many of the dreams I had while I was growing up; I wanted to rescue and rehab wild animals that had been hurt either by natural disasters or by people.  I was lucky enough to work at the Marine Mammal Center with seals and sea lions for 5 years and the hard work, the tears and sometimes the frustration was worth every moment. 

The wolf reminded me again of what it was that I wanted; to see wild animals live their lives free on the lands that belong to them.  The lands that we are lucky enough to share with them from time to time as long as we respect them and their space. 

"Thru Wild Eyes" is that vision.  I've always believed that eventually we will some how be rewarded for the good things we do and wildlife and nature conservation is very important to me.  I want to be able to see these wild animals as long as I possibly can.  50% of all proceeds of the sales of any of my wildlife images, notebooks, books or cards is donated back to conservation funds.  I invite other photographers and artists to join me in giving back to the wildlife that we have been able to share our time with; that inspire and teach us. 

Please see "Thru Wild Eyes" on Facebook and feel free to post stories and images there to share with others.  Continue checking back on my website as more is to come.


"If all the beasts were gone, men would die from a great loneliness of spirit.  For whatever happens to the beasts also happens to the man.  All things are connected."
Chief Seattle

Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons are probably two of the most spectacular and beautiful places I have ever visited.  Each time I return I am amazed at the new experiences I have and the wildlife I see!   I don't want to leave and I can't wait to return. 

I hope you enjoy these and I hope it encourages you to help keep our wild animals protected on the lands they have to share with us!

Images from the San Diego Wild Animal Park


These images below were taken in August at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.  I, like most people who love wild animals, wish that this is not how we have to see these amazing animals; at a zoo.  I do believe that the Wild Animal Park is a wonderful place and that they do wonderful research that assists with conservation issues in hopes that people in the future will be able to continue seeing these animals.  For some species like the Northern White Rhino it may be too late.  Each time I visit the park I come away with something special; a new memory, a new image, a new friend or a renewed desire to see all wildlife saved. 

RCCHA Cuttings
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Thru Wild Eyes - Yellowstone & Other Wildlife
Mark Brown Photo
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About Laura Cowen
Ranch Home in Riverside for Sale

 Recently Added!

RCCHA Castner Ranch 9/25/2011

Southern CA Ranch Horse 8/28/2011

Thru Wild Eyes

New Yellowstone Images from May 2011

  Coming soon!

Thru Wild Eyes

A new website dedicated to the conservation of our National and State Parks and the animals that live freely in them!  Portions of all purchases will be donated back to charities to support them!

Please visit us on Facebook!

Please be sure to check back often to see new events added to my site.  Photos taken over the weekend are added to the website within a few days. 


Inspirations and Images from Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons

A book of images taken in Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons with some of my favorite animal and nature quotes.  Part of the proceeds will be donated to the Yellowstone Assn.  Great for Christmas gifts.  Click on the book to go to a preview and then order directly here at my website!

Click to preview book